Friday, July 26, 2013


You guys. I can't even keep my succulents alive anymore. Aren't these supposed to be like the hardest things to kill?? I know everyone is busy but these past couple weeks have been kicking my butt. Between vacation (that we still haven't even unpacked from), Stella being sick, family in town- doing something with them everyday, Utah's holiday on the 24th, FINALS WEEK (let's be honest- it's more like 2 1/2 weeks long), getting way behind on laundry and homework, I could really go on and on...
The reason I am telling you all this is because the blog has been at the bottom of my list. (sorry, but it's true) I'm still learning to juggle all of this and keep this going. But I haven't had time to do any projects lately- I bought a desk to refinish 3 weeks ago!!!! So I haven't really had anything to blog about. Summer is almost over and I have had so many things that I wanted to do that I just didn't. I feel like fall will be better but let's be honest. I'll be taking 18 credits and working. So.... bear with me.
Tom and I talk about the days when we won't be so busy but from what I hear, life only gets busier.
End of rant. 
So tell me, would you like me to continue with the inspiration posts until I get some projects of my own going or do you feel like you have enough inspiration on your own?

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