Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Exciting News....

I have some exciting news for you guys.... 
I am teaming up with my cute friend Ashlee!!
We are going to be starting a design business together and as part of that, we will be blogging together.  This will take some pressure off of me in the consistent posting department, and you guys will LOVE her style. She has the cutest house and I'm so excited for you guys to get to know her!
So, other than that, we are still moving in and organizing (and by we I mean me) I have hung some pictures and of course I decorated the first day... but it still doesn't feel picture ready.  And has anyone else moved recently?? Did you lose random stuff?? like, hot pads. The first day we were here I made cookies.... couldn't find the oven mitts anywhere. And now that all of my boxes are unpacked, still haven't found them.  I ended up buying new ones yesterday.  And Tom's electric razor... for real? these things were not in a box together. I am missing a box worth of randoms but none of them would be in the same box soooo... I'm convinced my mom or mother in law stole some things as they were helping us ;) (kidding of course)
Ok that was a dumb tangent.  
Anyways...  the point of all that was that you should probably be excited for Ashlee to join in.
I forgot to mention, Ashlee has a puppy named Stella too. So it's super meant to be.
Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you!! I need to check your blog more often. I somehow missed the Christmas decor! (Hmm maybe it was because I was moving and didn't have internet for 3 weeks…)
