I've mentioned I have been in the process of a gallery wall in our living room. Well tonight I feel like it is finally far enough along to share... Up until now, I have had about two pictures hanging... not the prettiest. But today I made it out to the D.I. and luckily found several pictures to add to my collection.
Here it is in all its glory. And keep in mind it is still in progress. My end goal is a wall full.
These pictures aren't great at all since I took them once it was dark out but I was too excited to show this off to wait until the morning light.
This is a little hand painting on a tiny canvas I found at a thrift store a few months back and thought it was adorable not to mention very colorful. I think it was about $1.50
This was an actual photograph I found taped to the back of a frame. I had been coveting this artwork by Sharon Montrose for awhile and while it is very reasonably priced, I just hadn't gotten around to ordering a print. I haven't given up on that idea but this giraffe print will do for now. (Especially for 1$)
These are some sketches I did in highschool that I found while cleaning out my room to move.
This is one of my scores from today. (5 dollars!) I really like the simplicity and that it is in a heavy duty nice frame.
This is a before of the wreath seen above. I had an awkward space to fill and wanted something a little more 3 dimensional. I found this wreath in a drawer (I bought it at a boutique clearance last year for about 50 cents) and I decided to spray paint it gold so it wasn't so boring. I also like that it could almost pass as metal.
So here are some more details of the things I haven't covered yet.
Black/white West Elm inspired painting: DIY here
Red, orange, yellow abstract painting: thrifted $5
Small flower painting: thrifted $0.50
All of my frames were thrifted as well for less than a dollar. I think I am into this wall about $20 tops. So here is some proof a gallery wall doesn't have to cost you a fortune. If you check your local thrift stores often enough and keep an open mind, you are sure to come up with something. And when I say keep an open mind, KEEP IT WIDE OPEN. Have you seen some of the things Emily Henderson hangs up?? Questionable on their own but once she gets them all together in a room they always look amazing. Don't be afraid to be a little out there.
Also, I sort of mapped this out but when it came down to it, I just started hanging and built out from the center. You don't have to be perfect (let alone want it to be perfect) and if it turns out horrible, chances are you can use most of your existing nail holes to rearrange and cover up the ones you can't use. Don't be afraid to put holes in your walls.